The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of everyone around the world, forcing many of us to stay indoors. Nobody imagined how fast this highly infectious disease would spread from country to country. Most governments are enforcing a combination of restrictions such as social distancing measures and a mandated 14 day isolated quarantine for people flying in. For those going crazy at home all day trying to find things to do, don’t worry! Our editors have curated an awesome list that will turn this negative situation into a productive and positive experience.

01. Learn a New Hobby
Learn a new hobby or restart one that you used to love. Maybe its drawing, playing an instrument, writing, or reading. Regardless, you have so much more free time to yourself now than ever before!

02. Start a Workout Plan
Although gyms are closed and you’re stuck at home, don’t use the pandemic as an excuse to lie in bed and be lazy all day! There are so many ways to exercise at home without the use of weights, even better no one can judge you at home. Find a home workout routine on YouTube and stick to it. You might fall in love with working out once the pandemic is over.
03. Have some Me-Time
There’s no other perfect opportunity for some uninterrupted me-time than now. There’s no obligation to hang out with any of your friends or see anyone outside so why not have a spa day at home. Take a bubble bath, do a manicure, put on a face mask, and just relax for a whole day.

04. Start Cooking or Learn New Recipes
Are you already sick of the food delivery options? Pulling your hairs trying to decide what you want to order this time? Uninstall Foodpanda and Deliveroo, and start learning how to cook! For those who are experienced, use this time to try out new recipes. Break out those recipe books collecting dust on your shelves, and become a master chef at home. Once the pandemic is over, you can impress your friends and family with your newfound cooking skills.

05. Journaling
All this time to yourself with all your thoughts can get stressful and overbearing for many. Instead of bottling up your thoughts, start a journal to document everything that happened during the day. You don’t have to write something everyday nor does it need to be a long entry. Journals can be a therapeutic way of articulating and releasing all your thoughts from the day.

06. Self-Reflection
The pandemic has put the brakes on the whole world, causing everyone’s life to slow down. Life was moving so fast for everyone before we were forced to stay at home. Take this time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished over the past year and set some new goals for next year. You’ll come out of this pandemic more prepared than ever! You can even use your journal to help you document this!

07. Spring Cleaning
Clean out your house and do some spring cleaning. Do a thorough clean of everything, and finally get rid of all the useless junk laying around the house. Sort out your closet and give away all the clothes you don’t wear anymore.

08. Find a Good Book to Read
Find a good book to read, online or offline. The last time many of us willingly spent the time to sit down and read a book was probably when were children. Give it a shot! Reading might become a new hobby for you.

09. Call your Family or Loved Ones
This pandemic has shown how technology can keep us connected in positive ways. No matter the distance, there are so many ways to keep in touch with family and loved ones. Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts,Zoom, or FB are perfect for video (group) chats.

10. Binge Watch some Netflix
This isn’t the most productive use of time but it most certainly is a positive one 🙂 If you’ve been doing everything on this list, why not take a break, make some popcorn, and put on a good Netflix show or movie.
Spending time at home all day doesn’t have to be a boring and lazy use of time. Make use of all this time to yourself and try some of these suggestions. You never know, some of them may become integral parts of your daily life after this pandemic goes away.