YAS NFT Microinsurance protects your NFT investment

Your NFTs are protected from theft and loss.

Relaunching Soon

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NFTY covered Hanjin Tan’s NFT.

NFTY covered the NFT of “Nobody Gets Me”, an unreleased song by Hanjin Tan, and covers the theft and loss of the NFT for its buyer.

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NFTY partnered with the Spectacle Group.

The Spectacle Group exhibited an NFT Series by Antoine Gaussin at Art Central, which was covered by NFTY in the form of embedded insurance, offering extra peace of mind to collectors.

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Protect your NFT, stay tuned!

NFTs have become an important platform for artists, creators, collectors and investors alike. However, uncertainties are still plentiful in this new realm. NFTY aims to power the NFT movement and reduce risks for NFT investors. NFTY will be relaunching soon, stay tuned!